About Leesville Road Baptist Church

Mission & Vision

We are a Great Commission Church - Colossians 4:17 Take heed to the ministry which have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.

Making Disciples: Matthew 28:19-20

Maturing Disciples: Colossians 1:28-29

Multiplying Disciples: John 15:8

Leesville Road Today!

Currently, Pastor Brooks is excited about the new opportunities at LRBC and you can be a part of the future story of LRBC. We have plans for expansion and are looking for new ways to reach out as a great commission church.


Leesville Road Baptist Church has its roots in the assembly of a small group of Christians who began meeting in 1949 in a store building on Campbell Avenue in Lynchburg, Virginia.

By the summer of 1950 they had erected a small church building on Leesville Road. It was locate on a parcel of land made available by Mr. Wyatt W. Wilson, Sr. and was operated under the name of Oak Grove Christian Church with thirteen members.The size of the building was nineteen feet by twenty-eight feet. According to the church minutes of November 22, 1952, a meeting was held on that day and those in attendance voted unanimously to organize a Southern Baptist Missionary Church. The group made plans to purcase land and erect a new building.

In November of 1982 under the leadership of Rev. Stan Frye the church decided to withdraw from the Southern Baptist Convention and the Lynchburg Baptist Association and became strictly independent with no affiliation or accountability to any other religious institution. At this same time Rev. Wayne Willis accepted the call to serve as pastor. Under Rev. Willis' leadership our church developed a greater commitment to missions and increased missions support from two to six missionaries and established a Missions Scholarship Fund. It was also during Rev. Willis' pastorship that the annual Fall barbeque was begun; a great time of fellowship.

If you would like a complete history of the church, please click here for the PDF.

18059 Leesville Road - Evington, VA - Phone: 434.525.5880 - www.leesvilleroad.net Where Ministry is About Doing Life Together.